What's that blob thing?
It's a ghost! I think it's cute.
Did you make all of these?
I did! Each one was thrown on the wheel, so every single piece is one of a kind.
How long does each piece take to make?
It varies... But on average, I would guess about 2 weeks - a month. There are roughly 15 steps from start to finish.
What kind of clay do you use?
Currently I use dark star, brown bear, 112, and 259. Dark star and brown bear are made locally by Kentucky Mudworks. And the other 2 are made by Standard Ceramic, in Pittsburgh PA.
Do you make your own glaze?
Not yet... but soon! I'm looking forward to experimenting in the future, when I have more room for errors.
Are they dishwasher safe?
Yes! Well, all except the ones that resemble pumice stone. Don't put those in the dishwasher. Or food. Definitely don't put food in those.
Do you do commissions?
No. I will no longer be relying on my ceramics to pay any bills. Which is very exciting for me. Because I can go back to focusing on what I want to make, for no reason other than I want to make it. The pressure I have put on myself to create certain things, that I think certain people will want to buy, has not only taken the joy out of making stuff, but made me negatively anticipate creating. Which sucks.
How do I order wholesale?
I don’t… and I probably never will. Mostly because of everything typed above.